Rosslare Europort
Rosslare Europort is one of Ireland’s leading ports. Located on the south east coast of Ireland and less than an hour from Kilkenny, Rosslare Europort offers the quickest daily direct services from the UK and mainland Europe travelling to Cherbourg, Fishguard, Pembroke, Santander and Roscoff.
From Rosslare Europort to Kilkenny
By Bus
Travelling to Kilkenny from Rosslare Europort by bus takes just over two and a half hours. However, there is no direct bus route.
Bus Eireann & Dublin Coach
In order to travel from Rosslare Europort to Kilkenny you will need to take Bus Eireann bus number 40 to Waterford, there you will need to change bus to Dublin Coach bus number 600. To see timetables and book tickets visit the Bus Eireann website and the Dublin Coach website
By Taxi
There are a number of taxi operators that offer a taxi service from Rosslare Europort to Kilkenny. The journey takes about an hour and twenty minutes and prices start from around €110. If you intend to travel to Kilkenny from Rosslare Europort it is important to note these fares are only on specific taxi services that offer this route and not necessarily from the taxi rank by the port. These services usually must be pre-booked in advance. A quick google search will show you some taxi companies offering this service and their terms and conditions.
By Rail
In order to travel from Rosslare Europort to Kilkenny via train you will first need to take Bus Eireann bus number 40 to Waterford, there you can get the train from Plunkett Station to MacDonagh Station Kilkenny. To see timetables and book tickets visit the Bus Eireann website and the Irish Rail website.