Finance & FinTech


Kilkenny is home to leading financial services institutions and is an emerging financial technology innovation location. With global financial services and FinTech leaders such as Carne Group and Taxback International, Kilkenny has a thriving international financial services ecosystem.

IFS ecosystem

The IFS ecosystem in Kilkenny is supported by a variety of factors including Ireland’s labour laws; corporate tax rates; double tax agreements; our membership of the EU; that we are an English-speaking, common law country; and our domain expertise in specific areas i.e. cross border banking.

International reputation

Ireland has a strong international reputation based on core competencies in asset management, insurance and fund administration; stable tax and fiscal regime (including network of double taxation agreements); and regulatory and compliance expertise.

Supportive banking sector

Ireland has a supportive banking sector with several seed funds. Enterprise Ireland is Europe’s largest seed investor by number of investments. It offers a range of funding options to selected start-ups, investing a total of €32 million in start-ups during 2016 alone. Fintech is a prioritised sector in Enterprise Ireland’s €65M Seed & Venture Capital Scheme. In 2017, Enterprise Ireland ran investment funds to support innovative export-oriented Fintech businesses.